Frmr SBC Prez JD Grear takes issue with SBC ExCom Member

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Frmr SBC Prez JD Grear takes issue with SBC ExCom Member

Postby Stephen Fox » Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:54 am

Swafford. Swafford was one of the two Baptist preachers to call Kamala Harris a Jezebel, while defending the SBC stance not to engage critical race theory.

Molher appearns to be in the Swafford camp though a little to the left of him, while Russ Moore may be a little to the right of Grear, but the left of Mohler.

It's hard to define the spectrum these days to any degree that matters.

It is my understanding Johnson Ferry of Mayretta Ga has taken a decided turn to the right after former pastor and SBC Prez Bryant Wright I think was his name was on 60 minutes affirming the churches decision to host some Ethiopian refugees. I don't think any of the refugees were eunuchs like the famous one in the NT. ... -to-jesus/

As Connor said in Road to Perdition, It's all so ______ hysterical.

Where would Billy Graham be on all this? Mohler said he was unequivocably in the fundy camp for the takeover.
"I'm the only sane {person} in here." Doyle Hargraves, Slingblade
"Midget, Broom; Helluva campaign". Political consultant, "Oh, Brother..." or google asfoxseesit
Stephen Fox
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