SBC Tackles Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality

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Moderator: William Thornton

SBC Tackles Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality

Postby Sandy » Mon Feb 03, 2020 11:55 am ... ctionality ... y-or-both/

I didn't think passing the resolution referenced above would be either the end of the discussion or the last word from Southern Baptists on racial reconciliation. But the direction this seems to be headed in terms of how it gets handled is not good. There are too many presuppositions in the conclusions about what constitutes a "Biblical worldview" when it comes to this issue and too many assumptions about the origins and precepts of Critical Race Theory not coming from a Biblical worldview for a non-binding resolution to accomplish what Southern Baptists want to do regarding this issue.

I think the SBC still needs to decide where it is and what it wants to do regarding this issue. If they really want minority participation--and that's the bigger question at the moment--then there are some deliberate actions which must take place in order to be taken seriously. The convention's M.O. on issues is to pass a resolution or institute a dialogue and consider it done. There are church groups and denominations way out in front of the SBC on this, who have thought and worked through critical race theory and its compatibility or lack thereof with a Biblical worldview and they've found the answers. The SBC needs to give a study committee some real authority, avoid appointing those standing in the "wannabe" line and get to those in the SBC who are minorities and who want to see minority involvement increase, pair them up with people from other Christian groups who have worked through this and come back with a plan that works.

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