DC Biennial

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DC Biennial

Postby pastormikejordan » Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:53 am

HI all--now that you've had some time to decompress, what did you think of the biennial?

I only made it on Sunday morning through Monday evening, though truth be told, I left before Lauren Bethell spoke. I was tired and had a drive ahead of me.

Some impressions and questions:

it seemed less contentious than other biennials. This is not to say the contentious folks stayed away, only that one-half of a very combustible mix seemed to stay away. I'm not sure who's the fuel and who's the fire, but both were not present at any rate. It seemed that there was not a very strong conservative, evangelical presence there (at least not those who define themselves primarily that way), while the AWAB group seemed to be out in full force.

It seemed like attendance was low. Anybody have numbers on this compared with other biennials? I honestly don't know, it was just my impression. It could just be the hall where business and worship were conducted was so cavernous that numbers were not down significantly. it just looked that way to me.

I was genuinely surprised at the Baptist Peace Fellowship statement of concern about the war. It seemed unnecessary to me. It seems to me there are two legitimate reasons to present a statement of concern: 1)to vote on it as a body, and 2) to inform the delegates of the position of a particular group. Regarding 1, everyone knew it couldn't be voted on as a body, so that is not a possible reason. Regarding 2, was anyone--not just American Baptists, but anyone, anywhere--unaware of what the Baptist Peace Fellowship thought about the Iraq war? I can only conclude there was another motive somehow, and I'd be curious as to what it was. At any rate, it was obviously planned well in advance as there were six or seven pro speakers for the statement, and only one con (a very brave man from Nebraska who received applause and scattered boos).

Anyway, I was just surprised because it seemed like everyone was relieved there was no controversy and then there was this very strong antiwar statement.

I was also surprised that there was not more anguish expressed over the "Polity and Identity" statement of concern. I am surprised it passed so easily. As you may recall from an earlier thread, my concern was that it said that "Many" American Baptists believe in things that are fairly foundational Christian beliefs--implying that belief in these things was not essential to being an American Baptist. I was a little bit disappointed that the video presentation accompanying the statement left off the word, "Many" to say simply, "WIth the wider church, American Baptists believe..." (or something similar). I do hope all who voted for the statement (an overwhelming majority) read the statement instead of simply watching the video. A minor point: I wish the vote had been taken by ballot instead of voice. The scattered "nays" (mine included) evaporated into the air: I wish I had been allowed to write my "nay" formally so that I could have been recorded.

What an amazing sermon by Arlee Griffin on Sunday night! A real challenge to be the hands of Jesus to the world.

Anyway, these are my impressions: would be curious as to your response to them or impressions of your own.
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Re: DC Biennial

Postby Ed Pettibone » Mon Jul 09, 2007 3:37 pm

Ed: Mike I enjoyed the biennial greatly. I did think that some sesions were far to long.
The Sermon by ABC-USA President Arlee Griffin was indeed one of the best I have ever heard.

Some of our friends in the NYS region Felt the CBF resource area presented a much more professional aperance than did the ABC-USA hall of Ministries. They also where impressed with the number of CBF break out session and the content as discribed in the program. I was proud to have both name tags.

Some one did announce the number of registered ABC-USA delegates and visitors at one point but I do not have those figures. The setting made it quite dificult to get a handle on numbers, just by observation. That main meeting hall was almost filled to overflowing on Friday evening for the combined ABC-USA / CBF/ Progrssive Baptist get together.
I think some folk where scared away by the Idea thar Wahington is so expensive. And its reputaion for a high crime rate.

There were a significant number of African Americans but I truly expected a far greater percentage with the meeting beingin D.C. The precentage of orientals seemed higher than I had anticipated. David will be glad to know that the "Indian Caucus" was well represented.

I also think their where a good number of Conservative evangelicals based on some questions that I got in the New Baptist Covenamt Booth located as you know in the ABC-USA Hall of Ministries. Frequent question was "Isn't this being put on by the Liberals who left the SBC." Answer - No! While there are a good number of Conservative and Moderate former Southern Baptist and mabe a few liberals SBC exiles this effort is being put on by a large number of baptist groups including the ABC-USA. It is not being doen to promte any group or ideology other than to seek ways that the highly divers people known as Baptist may find ways to wotk together, as President Arlee Griffin preached to be the Hands of Christ.

I have to confess that I did not stay through Lauren Bethell's presentaion, After seven days of conventioning and playing toutist my feet where killing me and I had left my pain killers in the room at the Motel. I do praise the Lord for the mobility that I had througout both the CBF and ABC events. I have already commented elswhere that I think Bethell's message shoud have been at an earlier time on the program. Their was a pathetily small audiance for her presentaion.

After our previous discussion on the "Polity and Identity" statement of concern. I am surprised that you where surprised that it passed so easily. IMHO, the argumetns against it where just too weak.

I do wish that you and I had more time to have gotten together.
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