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50th Koinonia Celebration, Symposium

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2012 10:54 am
by Stephen Fox
150 bucks is gonna be a little stiff for me but I hope some of yall will kick in so I can be there on the front row. I need to be there.

But if I don't make it, hope some of you less worthy :lol: :brick: :wave: :gavel: will be there in my stead.
Stellar lineup including President and Rosalyn Carter; and Charles Marsh.
Marsh's bio of Bonhoeffer should be coming out within a month after this appearance so there should be big buzz about that.
Duke Chaplain and retiring North Alabama UMC's Will Willimon has taken notice of Marsh's work and his announcement of the Bonhoeffer tour of Alabama in 1931 in Willimon's just released book The Bishop. See links and conversation at Faith and Practice here at this site.
I do hope to see some of you there in September. Will Be a sweet Time in Jesus and a great way to Jubilee Celebrate this aspect of the Best of Baptist LIfe of the last 75 years.